What is Behind the Surge in Car Accident Fatalities in the U.S.?

The U.S. has seen a staggering rise in the number of fatal car accidents over the last few years. For instance, the number of fatal car crashes went up by more than 16 percent, from 36,835 to 42,795 between 2018 and 2022 alone. These alarming statistics have led to renewed interest in the cause of this trend in the U.S. and the possible steps that safety experts, government agencies, and drivers can take to address it.
Increasing Vehicle Size is Problematic
Some recent investigations have revealed that the increasing size of vehicles on America’s roadways may be contributing to the number of fatal car accidents in the U.S. Many motorists, for instance, are now driving Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs), which have hoods with heights greater than 40 inches. Unfortunately, these larger vehicles pose a much more significant risk to pedestrians and other vehicles and are 45 percent more likely to cause fatal injuries to the former.
Road Conditions Could be Contributing to More Severe Injuries
The condition of our nation’s roadways has also become a topic of investigation in the last decade, as the number of fatal accidents continues to rise in the U.S. In fact, the American Society of Civil Engineers reports that as much as 43 percent of roadways in the U .S. are in mediocre or poor condition. Until these problems are addressed, issues like potholes, crumbling asphalt, and poorly designed interchanges and intersections will likely continue to contribute to the increasing number of serious car accidents in the U.S.
Speeding and Intoxication Are On the Rise
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), around one-quarter of all fatal accidents in the U.S. involve speeding. Unfortunately, this is not the only dangerous driving behavior that has been on the rise in recent years, as safety experts have also pointed to increasing rates of intoxicated driving, with as many as one in every ten traffic arrests linked to suspected DUIs. Finally, aggressive driving, which includes swerving in and out lanes, speeding, cutting other drivers off, and street racing also seem to be occurring more often, contributing to as many as 56 percent of fatal crashes.
Distracted Driving Continues to be a Serious Problem in the U.S.
Driving in the U.S. has also likely become more dangerous due to the increasing use of cell phones and other electronic devices while driving. Despite numerous safety campaigns and more stringent laws, distracted driving continues to be a problem on our nation’s roadways, contributing to the deaths of at least 3,308 people in 2022 alone.
Call Today for Legal Support
Being involved in an accident is always frightening, but is never so emotionally taxing, personally devastating, and financially ruinous as when the collision is fatal. If your own loved one passed away as a result of his or her accident-related injuries, the compassionate and experienced Tampa wrongful death lawyers at Anderson & Anderson are here to help. Call us at 813-251-0072 to get started on your case today.