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The Importance of Reporting All of Your Symptoms After an Accident


It is not uncommon, after being involved in an accident, for injured parties to focus on the most painful and seemingly serious symptoms that they are experiencing. This makes sense, but it’s also important for injured parties to try and establish a connection between their accident and all of their symptoms. Those who fail to do so may end up getting the most obvious injury treated, only to realize, months later that a secondary symptom still persists. An accident victim who didn’t point these symptoms out to a doctor right after the accident will have a much harder time convincing an insurer that the secondary injury is also connected to the same accident.

Protecting Yourself Against a Denied Claim 

Insurance companies generally want to pay out as little as possible for a claim, which means that they will only be too eager to use the period of time from the date of an accident until an injury is reported as proof that a claimant is being dishonest. In these cases, insurers often argue that an injury wasn’t actually the result of a particular accident, or it would have been reported immediately. Instead, they may argue that a claimant is trying to obtain compensation for an injury that occurred at a different time or place. To avoid this, accident victims should report all of their symptoms when they seek medical assistance, even if those symptoms don’t seem as serious or pressing at the time. Having a record of that complaint in the victim’s hospital records or doctor’s notes could make all the difference in whether a claim is denied or accepted.

Obtaining Treatment for Your Injuries 

There is another benefit to reporting all of your symptoms to a doctor immediately after an accident, as this is the best way to ensure that you receive treatment as soon as possible. Victims who fail to mention their neck or back pain because they have a seriously broken bone, for instance, could end up delaying their diagnosis and treatment by weeks or even months, which could have significant repercussions for their recovery. What could have been treated relatively simply after an accident could be much more expensive later on, requiring medications, additional therapies, and even surgery. To obtain an accurate diagnosis and treatment for all of your injuries after an accident, be sure to document and report everything you are feeling, no matter how minor it may initially seem to be.

Set Up an Initial Consultation Today 

If you were injured in a serious accident, you may be suffering from multiple symptoms. If so, be sure to explain those symptoms to your treating physician. This will give you a better chance of obtaining speedy treatment, but can also significantly strengthen your claim and give you a better chance of a full recovery. If you already submitted your claim and doubt is being cast on its veracity by an insurer because you failed to mention a secondary symptom, don’t lose hope. An experienced attorney may be able to help you overcome this presumption against you and assist you in collecting your rightful compensation. Call Anderson & Anderson at 813-251-0072 to learn more about how a dedicated and compassionate Tampa personal injury lawyer can increase your chances of success when filing an insurance claim.




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