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Anderson & Anderson Tampa Accident Attorney

Tampa Rear-End Collision Lawyer

Rear-end collisions happen more often than any other kind of car accident. They often occur in slow-moving environments, such as stop-and-go traffic or parking lots, so for many people the mental image conjured up about getting “rear-ended” might seem minor. Some rear-end collisions happen at very high speeds, though, inflicting major damage on the occupants in the car that gets struck. Even in relatively low-speed accidents, the forces transferred to the vehicle’s passengers and delicate areas such as the neck can induce serious trauma. These injuries can be painful, debilitating, and can last for weeks, months, or result in permanent disability.

We know that after getting rear-ended, you can find yourself living with chronic pain and limited mobility while dealing with medical bills, property damage, lost time at work, and countless aggravations caused by another driver’s negligence. We are here to help fix all that. If you’ve been injured in a rear-end collision in Tampa, call Anderson & Anderson for a free consultation on your potential claims. We’ll help you get the care you need and work to recover a significant amount of compensation that makes up for the harm and losses you are being made to suffer.

Why Do Rear-End Collisions Happen?

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of auto accident, and they can happen for many different reasons. The most frequent causes of rear-end crashes in Tampa are:

  • Speeding. Cars traveling faster than is safe for the current road, traffic or weather conditions don’t have enough stopping distance when they need to quickly come to a stop to avoid hitting the car in front of them.
  • Tailgating. After speeding, following too closely is cited as a leading cause of car accidents. In the best conditions, a car traveling at 30 miles per hour needs over 150 feet of stopping distance, while a car going 60 mph needs nearly 400 feet to stop safely and avoid a wreck. Wet roads increase the stopping distance needed exponentially with the speed of the car.
  • Distracted driving. The formula for calculating stopping distance includes a standard minimum of 2.5 seconds of reaction time for the driver to perceive the need to stop. Keeping your eyes and attention on the road is just as important as maintaining a safe distance. As smartphones and social media have become an everyday part of life, car accidents have been increasing every year, reversing a 40-year trend of declining crash rates.
  • General negligence. Rear-end collisions are nearly always the fault of the rear driver, but not totally. If the leading car makes a sudden lane change without signaling or checking blind spots, that driver can cause a wreck. Often in these situations, both drivers bear a portion of responsibility. Even so, the injured driver can still recover compensation from the other driver for their part in causing the crash. If the injury victim can’t get an appropriate settlement from the insurance company, they might have to take the case to court where the jury will assign a percentage of fault to each driver and set their verdict accordingly.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a common result of a rear-end collision. Known in the medical community as cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome, whiplash occurs when the head and neck are suddenly and forcefully thrown forward and backward. The results of a whiplash injury can include stretched or torn muscles or ligaments in the neck, causing mild to severe neck pain and stiffness. Pain can also radiate through the shoulders and arms or to the back, and whiplash is known to cause a distinct type of throbbing headache as well. Both neck pain and headache can persist for years in some cases, and a whiplash injury can also cause other severe consequences, such as nerve damage or lack of blood flow to the brain.

In addition to neck pain and stiffness, other signs of a whiplash injury can include dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, memory problems, and a prickling or burning sensation radiating throughout the body. Mood changes such as depression, anxiety or irritability can be signs as well, along with difficulty sleeping.

While whiplash is a common injury from a rear-end crash, it is not the only one. Rear-ended injury victims can also suffer back injuries including strained or torn muscles in the back and spinal disc dislocation or compression (bulging discs, herniated discs, facet joint injuries). Broken noses, concussions or traumatic brain injuries, and other injuries to the head and face are also likely to occur.

It’s important to see a doctor after any car accident, but especially if any pain or unusual symptoms appear. Getting prompt medical attention can hasten the healing process and prevent an undiagnosed condition from getting worse and causing more severe problems later on.

How Our Tampa Accident Lawyers Can Help After a Rear-End Collision

You could suffer painful injuries after a rear-end collision, but the negligent driver’s insurance company is likely to downplay or dispute your injuries, especially if the property damage to your vehicle isn’t extensive. But cars are built to withstand a crash without serious damage; people aren’t. We know you could get seriously hurt when hit from behind, and we understand what it takes to build your case for a fair amount of compensation and either negotiate a fair settlement or take the case to court if necessary. We believe in you and want you to get the medical care you need and the compensation you deserve after getting rear-ended by a negligent driver.

If you have been hurt in a rear-end collision or other car accident in Tampa, call Anderson & Anderson at 813-251-0072 for a free consultation with our team of experienced personal injury lawyers and dedicated staff.

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