Suing for Hit-and-Run Motorcycle Crashes in Tampa

Hit-and-run motorcycle crashes are relatively common in Tampa. When a driver strikes a motorcyclist, they often (rightly) fear that they have caused severe injuries. Faced with this guilt and fear, many choose to slam on the accelerator instead of getting help. If a hit-and-run driver did this to you or someone you love, you might be considering legal action. Can a motorcycle accident lawyer in Tampa help you hold negligent drivers accountable?
Tracking Down the Hit-and-Run Driver
The actual investigative work is best left to police officers and detectives. That being said, you can assist with the investigation in numerous ways. Perhaps you remember the suspect’s license plate, the model of their vehicle, or the brand. Maybe you recall hitting a specific part of the vehicle, and you might be aware of damage to this area. All of these details can help detectives find the hit-and-run driver. If they manage to find the driver, pursuing compensation may be easier.
On the other hand, you should always prioritize your own health before trying to assist with the investigation. Seek treatment immediately after the crash and wait until your condition stabilizes before considering any legal steps. Follow up with specialists and try to get an accurate diagnosis/prognosis.
If possible, you might want to track down any eyewitnesses who saw your accident. These individuals might have valuable information, and they may be able to help you find the suspect. Other useful evidence might include traffic surveillance cameras or security footage from nearby businesses.
Considering Alternative Legal Options for Compensation
In Florida, motorcyclists do not get access to no-fault insurance. This means that you cannot simply turn to your own PIP insurance for compensation after a hit-and-run. This option is available to normal motorists.
That being said, there may still be alternative sources of compensation to consider. First, you may be able to sue another driver who contributed to your accident. Florida’s comparative negligence system allows you to hold parties accountable even if they partially caused your accident. For example, a driver may have been parked illegally on a highway, causing a drunk driver to swerve into you. Although the drunk driver might have fled, you could still sue the illegally parked motorist.
Another example might involve poor road conditions or confusing signs. These issues could have contributed to your crash, and they may allow you to sue your local state or municipal government. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can help you assess less obvious sources of compensation.
Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Tampa Help After a Hit-and-Run?
After a hit-and-run, it may be worth speaking to a Tampa motorcycle accident lawyer about your legal options. Even if the police are still looking for the driver who caused the accident, you may still have legal options to consider. Reach out to Anderson & Anderson today to learn more about the next steps.