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How Florida Tourists Can Affect Road Safety


There are a lot of advantages to living in Florida, which boasts balmy weather almost all year round and is home to some of the most beautiful views and landscapes in the country. These benefits make Florida not only a popular destination for residents, but also for around 100 million tourists every year. While this kind of tourism makes up a large portion of the state’s economy, it can also have a more negative impact on those who live in Florida year-round. This many visitors, for instance, significantly increases the number of cars on the road, leading to more congestion, and more potential accidents.

Tourists Can Increase Car Accident Risks 

Although they may not intend to, tourists can and do create hazardous driving conditions for Florida residents. This is largely due to a few specific factors, including:

  • Unfamiliarity with the area, which can lead tourists to make unsafe lane changes, illegal u-turns, and to violate the speed limit;
  • Unfamiliarity with their rental car’s controls or vehicle handling;
  • Distracted driving, with tourists being more likely to rely on GPS navigation systems to get around (thereby taking their eyes off the road), and to be looking for street signs or landmarks;
  • Aggressive driving, with many tourists speeding or weaving in and out of traffic to get to a certain location at a particular time;
  • Fatigued driving, which can affect tourists on long road trips, who may be exhausted as they near the end of their journey and not as attentive to the road as they should be; and
  • Driving while intoxicated, with some tourists getting behind the wheel after a night out and failing to account for their loss of reflexes and judgment.

This type of behavior can affect any driver, not just tourists. In either case, it leaves other road users more at risk of sustaining a serious injury.

Road Safety Tips 

Tourism is essentially year-round in Florida, but is often at its highest during the winter months, with visitors attempting to escape to balmier climes. Florida residents should be extra wary during these months when there may be even more cars on the road than usual and should think about taking the following precautions:

  • Considering routes away from tourist attractions;
  • Checking when traffic times will be at their peak;
  • Avoiding driving at night in areas with a lot of tourist foot traffic;
  • Driving defensively by keeping an eye on their speed and following distance, especially in heavy traffic; and
  • Keeping an eye out for drivers who make sudden stops or dangerous turns.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to control the behavior of other drivers, so if your own efforts weren’t enough to keep you out of an accident, consider reaching out to an attorney for help holding the at-fault party accountable.

Speak with a Tampa Car Accident Lawyer Today 

We are no strangers to tourists in Tampa, which sees millions of visitors every year. If you were injured in an accident with a tourist or another Florida driver, call Anderson & Anderson at 813-251-0072 to speak with one of our experienced Tampa car accident attorneys about your legal options.




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