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How Fast Can Commercial Trucks Travel on Florida Highways?


Given their size, it makes sense that commercial trucks can and should not travel as fast as other vehicles. When truck drivers fail to acknowledge these restrictions and exceed safe speeds, they put anyone else on the road at risk of serious injury, as collisions between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks almost always have catastrophic results for the occupants of the smaller car.

Speeding Trucks Cause Accidents 

Speeding lowers a driver’s control and reduces reaction time, all of which make it more likely that there will be an accident. Certain types of accidents are particularly common when drivers speed, including:

  • Rollover accidents, which are more common among high profile vehicles, like commercial trucks that are traveling too fast for the conditions;
  • Jackknife accidents, which occur when a truck driver is traveling too fast and attempts to brake, but the trailer is too heavy to stop as quickly as the cab;
  • T-bone accidents, which are most likely to occur at intersections, where vehicles are traveling in multiple directions;
  • Blind spot accidents, which occur when speeding truck drivers fail to check their blind spots before merging or turning;
  • Rear-end collisions, which can occur when a truck is traveling too fast for the conditions and is unable to stop quickly enough to avoid striking the rear of another car; and
  • Truck tire blowout accidents, which occur when tires are overused and worn and a driver continues to speed until those tires fail.

When it comes down to it, a truck driver’s ability to avoid causing an accident is largely dependent on their ability to maintain a safe speed.

What are Safe Speeds for Trucks? 

In Florida, the state’s Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for setting speed limits on highways. On most interstates, the maximum speed is 70 miles per hour, while it’s a bit lower (65 mph) on four-lane divided highways, and 60 mph on other state roads.

It’s important to note, however, that safe speeds differ from speed limits, which are based on the best weather and road conditions. When there is inclement weather, poor road conditions, low visibility, or traffic congestion, traveling at the posted speed limit may still not be safe. This is doubly true for commercial vehicles, which are so much larger, and therefore more dangerous, than other vehicles. Truck drivers should always drive cautiously, adjusting their speed to account for changing conditions. Those who fail to do so put other road users at risk. In fact, Florida has an unlawful speed statute on the books that specifically prohibits drivers from operating at unreasonable speeds, which, considering the conditions, could be well under the speed limit.

Contact the Experienced Tampa Truck Accident Lawyers at Anderson & Anderson Today 

If you were involved in a truck accident that you believe was caused by a driver traveling at unsafe speeds, you may have a legitimate personal injury case on your hands. To find out more, please reach out to the experienced and compassionate Tampa truck accident lawyers at Anderson & Anderson today.




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