How Do I Get Footage of My Tractor Trailer Accident in Tampa?

It may be difficult to remember the exact details of a serious tractor-trailer accident in Tampa. These heavy, lumbering vehicles are capable of causing tremendous impacts – and a head injury may leave you with memory loss. While trying to piece together the accident, your first instinct may be to gather video footage. How do you accomplish this goal? Where might you find footage of your accident? These are questions you might want to ask your Tampa truck accident lawyer.
Most Trucking Companies Require Dashcams
It shouldn’t be too difficult to locate footage of your crash. Most trucking companies in the United States require truckers to use dashcams whenever they’re on the road. Some companies even mandate “driver-facing” cameras that monitor truckers. These driver-facing cameras can help you prove specific types of negligence, including distraction, intoxication, and fatigue.
Even if the truck lacks a driver-facing camera, forward-facing cameras can still prove helpful. These cameras can show whether a tractor-trailer crossed a red light, failed to yield, or veered between lanes before an impact. Depending on the type of accident you were involved in, truck dashcams could provide all the evidence you need to prove negligence.
Nearby Surveillance Cameras May Have Captured Your Crash
It may also be worth checking nearby buildings and establishments for surveillance cameras. These cameras are usually built to monitor potential criminal activities, but they also capture many crashes. This could be especially true if your crash occurred near a parking lot, gas station, or drive-thru. You may be able to obtain this footage and use it as evidence.
Of course, there are plenty of dedicated traffic cameras positioned along roads. Often, these cameras capture crashes – and you can use this footage to support a truck accident lawsuit in Tampa.
Don’t Forget Police Footage
Even though police usually arrive on the scene after a truck crash has already happened, they could capture useful evidence with vehicle dashcams and bodycams. For example, a trucker might stumble out of a crashed vehicle with a liquor bottle in their hand. Perhaps they slurred their words while speaking with an officer after a crash. They might even admit to being distracted or fatigued.
You Can Take Your Own Footage
Don’t be afraid to use your own phone to film the scene immediately after a truck accident in Tampa. If your injuries permit it, consider filming the crash scene and your own injuries. This footage could prove more useful than you realize. You might also want to create a short video journal after your crash, as this could help prove your psychological and emotional damages.
Can a Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer in Tampa Help Me?
A tractor-trailer accident lawyer in Tampa may be able to help you find footage of your crash. These legal professionals can get in touch with trucking companies and demand access to dashcam footage. They can also search for nearby surveillance and traffic cameras that may have captured the incident. To learn more about your options, contact Anderson & Anderson today.