Category Archives: Motorcycle Accident

Suing for Hit-and-Run Motorcycle Crashes in Tampa
Hit-and-run motorcycle crashes are relatively common in Tampa. When a driver strikes a motorcyclist, they often (rightly) fear that they have caused severe injuries. Faced with this guilt and fear, many choose to slam on the accelerator instead of getting help. If a hit-and-run driver did this to you or someone you love, you… Read More »

How Much Do Helmets Reduce Motorcycle Accident Fatalities?
Motorcycles don’t offer the same amount of protection as other vehicles, which means that the injuries sustained by riders are a lot more likely to be catastrophic. Tragically, many of these injuries are so severe that they end up being fatal. Because riding a motorcycle is inherently more risky, riders are encouraged to wear… Read More »

Helmet Cameras Could Help Your Motorcycle Accident Case
Although a fun and cost effective way to get around, riding motorcycles is inherently dangerous due to the rider’s unprotected status and general lack of visibility. There are, however, ways to make this activity safer, including wearing a helmet. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that wearing a helmet… Read More »

What are the Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries?
There are a lot of benefits to riding motorcycles. They are, for instance, relatively fuel efficient and easier to maneuver and park than passenger vehicles. Unfortunately, safety is not one of the advantages of using a motorcycle. In fact, because these vehicles are less stable, less visible, and lack the protections of an enclosed… Read More »

Florida’s Motorcycle Fatality Rate Among Highest in U.S.
Fatal traffic accidents have been steadily increasing across the country in the last decade. This has proven to be true not only for occupants of passenger vehicles, but also for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Tragically, motorcycle accident fatality rates in Florida are among the highest in the country, with 347 people losing their lives… Read More »

Failing to Yield is a Leading Cause of Florida Motorcycle Accidents
Complying with Floria’s traffic laws not only helps drivers avoid fines and the accrual of points on their driver’s licenses, but also keeps drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike safe. Unfortunately, not all drivers are as conscientious of these rules as they should be, which puts more vulnerable road users, like motorcyclists, at risk of… Read More »

Motorcycle Accident Shoulder Injuries
While a motorcycle accident victim who suffers a shoulder injury may feel as though he or she has lucked out in not sustaining a more serious injury, the reality is that shoulder injuries are often much more severe than they first appear, causing significant pain and affecting the overall quality of a person’s life…. Read More »

Did Your Motorcycle Accident Occur In An Intersection?
Motorcycle accidents can happen anywhere where there are motorcycles and passenger vehicles in the same location. There are, however, certain areas where collisions between these two kinds of vehicles tend to happen more often than others. Intersections, for instance, have proven to be an especially dangerous place for motorcyclists, who don’t enjoy the same… Read More »

The Dangers Of Riding A Motorcycle At Night
Florida is a popular destination for motorcyclists, drawing riders with its warm weather and long stretches of scenic highways. Unfortunately, there are a lot of risks that go along with motorcycle riding, especially at certain times of the day. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), for instance, reports that the majority of fatal… Read More »

Did You Suffer A Pelvic Fracture In A Motorcycle Accident?
Motorcycle accidents can cause a variety of injuries, including everything from broken bones to head trauma. There are, however, certain parts of a rider’s body that are more susceptible to injury than others. Injuries to the hips and pelvis, for instance, are common amongst motorcyclists, who are often thrown from their motorcycles upon impact… Read More »