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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Teen Car Accidents On the Rise in Florida

By Anderson & Anderson |

Anyone who gets behind the wheel is at risk of being involved in a car accident, but certain populations have a higher than average tendency to cause crashes. Teenagers fall squarely under this category, a trend that is largely attributed to their lack of experience and skill and general immaturity. Nationally, teenage drivers were… Read More »

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Common Driving Mistakes That Increase the Risk of an Accident

By Anderson & Anderson |

Florida has become known as one of the most dangerous states in the country when it comes to driving. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), for instance, there were an estimated 397,620 car crashes in Florida in 2022 alone. That breaks down to nearly 1,089 car accidents per… Read More »

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How Fast Can Commercial Trucks Travel on Florida Highways?

By Anderson & Anderson |

Given their size, it makes sense that commercial trucks can and should not travel as fast as other vehicles. When truck drivers fail to acknowledge these restrictions and exceed safe speeds, they put anyone else on the road at risk of serious injury, as collisions between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks almost always have… Read More »

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What is a Florida Personal Injury Claim?

By Anderson & Anderson |

Accident victims who suffer serious injuries because of someone else’s carelessness often end up shouldering hefty financial burdens in order to cover their accident-related medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. This can seem (and is) unfair, which is why those who can prove that someone else was responsible for their accidents can often… Read More »

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Helmet Cameras Could Help Your Motorcycle Accident Case

By Anderson & Anderson |

Although a fun and cost effective way to get around, riding motorcycles is inherently dangerous due to the rider’s unprotected status and general lack of visibility. There are, however, ways to make this activity safer, including wearing a helmet. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that wearing a helmet… Read More »

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What are the Symptoms of a Delayed Concussion?

By Anderson & Anderson |

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are some of the most common injuries sustained by accident victims who experience blunt force impacts. Of these injuries, concussions occur most often and usually manifest with specific symptoms, like blurred vision, nausea, and pain. In some situations, however, concussions don’t produce immediate symptoms and signs of the injury may… Read More »

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Florida Car Insurance Premiums to Rise Again in 2024

By Anderson & Anderson |

Florida has one of the highest car insurance rates in the country, in large part due to the number of uninsured drivers in the state. Unfortunately, car insurance premiums are expected to rise again this year, although not as much as they did in 2023. One recent report estimated that insurance premiums will rise… Read More »

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Why Whiplash Pain is Often Delayed After a Crash

By Anderson & Anderson |

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents, as it tends to occur when a person’s head suddenly snaps forwards and backwards, straining the ligaments and muscles in the neck. Unfortunately, the symptoms of whiplash, which typically include pain and limited mobility don’t always show up immediately after a crash,… Read More »

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How Personal Injury Settlements Work in Florida

By Anderson & Anderson |

While many people assume that it is common for personal injury cases to go to trial, the reality is that the majority of civil cases never make it that far. In fact, only an estimated three percent of personal injury lawsuits go to trial, with the remaining 97 percent getting settled out of court…. Read More »

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Will My Health Insurance Cover My Car Accident-Related Medical Bills?

By Anderson & Anderson |

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident often ends up being as challenging as the crash itself, especially when it comes to paying off medical bills. For instance, many accident victims struggle with determining which of their insurance policies will cover their injuries. The reality is that many different policies may end up… Read More »

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