Author Archives: Jay Butchko

What is a Wrongful Death Claim?
A wrongful death lawsuit is a type of civil action that is brought by the surviving family members of an accident victim who lost his or her life because of someone else’s careless, reckless, or intentional actions. These types of legal claims attempt to hold at-fault parties accountable for their wrongful actions, while also… Read More »

A Guide for Obtaining Camera Footage for Your Florida Car Accident Case
For those who are injured in car accidents, video footage, whether from traffic, security, cell phone, or dashboard cameras could end up being the clearest and most objective proof of their right to compensation. Obtaining footage, however, especially traffic camera recording, after a car crash is rarely a straightforward process and often requires the… Read More »

What is Behind the Surge in Car Accident Fatalities in the U.S.?
The U.S. has seen a staggering rise in the number of fatal car accidents over the last few years. For instance, the number of fatal car crashes went up by more than 16 percent, from 36,835 to 42,795 between 2018 and 2022 alone. These alarming statistics have led to renewed interest in the cause… Read More »

Is There a Limit to How Much a Person Can Recover in Personal Injury Damages in Florida?
“Damages” is a legal term used to describe a financial award that accident victims can receive from the at-fault parties who caused their injury. There are two main types of damages: compensatory and punitive, with the former being awarded to compensate accident victims for their financial losses, like their medical bills, lost wages, and… Read More »

Police Officers Gave Me a Ticket After My Florida Car Accident – What Does That Mean?
Being involved in a car crash is chaotic, with all parties attempting to determine whether they are hurt and assess the damage to their vehicles, all while experiencing a massive surge in adrenaline. Receiving a traffic ticket from law enforcement during this time can add another layer of stress to an already confusing situation… Read More »

Determining Fault for a Side-Impact Collision is Important
Many Florida residents are finding that our state’s aging infrastructure can’t keep up with the increasing number of vehicles on our roadways. Intersections, for instance, which are supposed to make it safer and easier to drive in Tampa are more dangerous for motorists than ever, who are at risk of being involved in a… Read More »

Was Your Preexisting Injury Exacerbated in a New Accident?
While some people who are injured in accidents had a perfectly clean bill of health prior to their new injury, it is also not uncommon for individuals to suffer from preexisting injuries at the time of an accident. Having a preexisting injury doesn’t mean that a person won’t be able to recover compensation for… Read More »

Tire Safety Tips to Keep in Mind This Summer
Anyone who has spent time in Florida knows that the summer months can get hot. While many people find ways to cool themselves off by heading to the pool or the beach, there are also other risks that come with higher temperatures. Warm weather, for instance, significantly increases the chances of a tire blowout,… Read More »

Tampa Ranked as One of the Most Dangerous Cities for Drivers
As one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S., Tampa has also seen a surge in the number of vehicles on our roadways. This in turn, has led to increased traffic congestion and a higher accident rate, making the city one of the more dangerous in which to drive in the country. In… Read More »

How Florida Tourists Can Affect Road Safety
There are a lot of advantages to living in Florida, which boasts balmy weather almost all year round and is home to some of the most beautiful views and landscapes in the country. These benefits make Florida not only a popular destination for residents, but also for around 100 million tourists every year. While… Read More »