Author Archives: Jay Butchko

The Risks Of Overloading A Commercial Vehicle
Commercial vehicles are designed to carry a lot of cargo over great distances. This does not mean, however, that there are no limits to how much these trucks can carry. Unfortunately, despite strict rules on weight limits, many companies routinely overload their vehicles in an effort to transport more products in a single trip…. Read More »

Did You Suffer A Pelvic Fracture In A Motorcycle Accident?
Motorcycle accidents can cause a variety of injuries, including everything from broken bones to head trauma. There are, however, certain parts of a rider’s body that are more susceptible to injury than others. Injuries to the hips and pelvis, for instance, are common amongst motorcyclists, who are often thrown from their motorcycles upon impact… Read More »

The Dangers Of High-Speed Car Accidents
Even collisions that occur at relatively low speeds can still cause significant injuries, so it makes sense that some of the most dangerous collisions are those that occur at high speeds. Unfortunately, speeding is extremely common and is thought to contribute to as many as one-third of all traffic accidents and to be the… Read More »

Soft Tissue Injuries
Soft tissue injuries are one of the most common injuries sustained by accident victims. This does not mean, however, that they should be taken lightly. While they may not be as severe as other kinds of accident-related injuries, they can still be very painful and debilitating. Fortunately, accident victims who can prove that they… Read More »

Are You Suffering From Post-Concussion Syndrome?
Any type of accident that involves some sort of blunt force trauma to the head can result in serious injuries, including concussions. Unfortunately, even concussions labeled as minor can result in long-term problems if a person is also diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome (PCS). What are Concussions? Concussions are a type of mild traumatic brain… Read More »

Lane Change Accidents
It is perfectly legal, in many instances, to change lanes while driving. It is when executing them in an unsafe or illegal manner can, result in serious crashes, severe injuries, and significant property damage. Examples of Unsafe Lane Changes There are, unfortunately, a lot of ways to make an unsafe lane change, including by:… Read More »

The Devastating Repercussions Of Override Accidents
Any type of collision with a commercial vehicle has the potential for catastrophic results, simply because of the size differential. Certain types of truck accidents, however, are known for being particularly dangerous. This includes both under and override accidents. Underride accidents occur when a smaller vehicle rear-ends a truck, sliding beneath the much taller… Read More »

When To Call A Bicycle Accident Lawyer
In 2022, there were 7,040 bicycle accidents on Florida roads. Around 6,582 of those crashes resulted in an injury, while 198 led to a fatality. In fact, Florida has been ranked one of the most dangerous states in the country for cyclists. While it is possible for accident victims to obtain compensation for their… Read More »

What Evidence Do I Need To Prove My Truck Accident Claim?
Truck accidents are different from other types of car crashes, as the injuries sustained are almost always more severe and the property damage far more catastrophic. Furthermore, truck drivers and trucking companies are required to comply with more federal and state regulations, which can have implications when attempting to hold someone liable for a… Read More »

Uneven Sidewalk Injuries
There are a lot of pedestrians in Florida. Whether exercising the dog, walking to work, taking the kids to school, or just visiting the city’s sights, walking has become increasingly popular in urban areas, like Tampa. Unfortunately, walking isn’t always safe in Florida, where an aging infrastructure has left many of our sidewalks outdated,… Read More »