Author Archives: Jay Butchko

The Risks of Worn Truck Tires
Driving a vehicle with worn tires is always a dangerous endeavor because it reduces traction and significantly increases the chances of a blowout. These risks, however, are even higher with a heavy commercial vehicle, like a semi-truck. These trucks, when they lose control, can cause a lot more damage than the average sized passenger… Read More »

Car Accidents and Facial Fractures
Any part of the body can be injured in a car accident, but certain areas are particularly prone to injury. This includes the face, which, due to the nature of the impact of a car accident, is often exposed directly to the steering wheel, airbag, or dashboard. Contact with these objects can cause serious… Read More »

How Our Legal Team Investigates Florida Car Accident Cases
One of the things that car accident attorneys can do with more ease than the average person is to investigate the cause of an accident victim’s crash. These investigations can also reveal the identity of liable parties and help establish the cost of a victim’s losses, both of which will play a crucial role… Read More »

Tips for Preventing Swimming Pool Accidents This Summer
As the temperatures continue to rise throughout Florida, many families are making their way to the local swimming pool in an effort to beat the heat. Unfortunately, swimming does come with a lot of risks, especially for children, so it’s a good idea for parents to freshen up on their water safety before letting… Read More »

Can Both Drivers be At-Fault for a Car Crash?
According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV), there were an estimated 401,540 car accidents in Florida in 2021. This breaks down to around 1,100 car accidents a day. The majority of these crashes were the result of driver error, like speeding, failing to yield, disregarding traffic signals, and driving… Read More »

Don’t Forget to Include These Documents with Your Slip and Fall Demand Letter
Most civil lawsuits don’t go to trial, but are resolved through settlement negotiations, in which the at-fault party agrees to pay a certain amount to a claimant in exchange for that person agreeing to give up the right to file a claim in court. To start negotiations, an injured party usually begins by sending… Read More »

Did Your Accident Result In Permanent Disability?
Recovering after an accident is physically grueling and emotionally draining, not to mention expensive. Often, the biggest motivation for accident victims during the rehabilitation process, is the prospect of returning to their pre-accident day-to-day lives. Tragically, full recovery often proves to be out of reach for many accident victims, who struggle with permanent disability… Read More »

Head-On Truck Accidents Are Deadly
Head-on accidents are something that a person can literally see coming, but is often helpless to avoid. These kinds of crashes almost always have devastating consequences and the risks are even higher when one of the vehicles is a commercial truck. Although this type of accident is relatively rare, they are notorious for often… Read More »

Fatal Pedestrian Accidents In Florida
Florida’s balmy weather and many attractions make walking in the state a tempting prospect. Unfortunately, doing so can prove extremely dangerous, especially in recent years. In fact, a new report from the Governors’ Highway Safety Association found that the rate of fatal pedestrian accidents in Florida has risen by nearly 30 percent, making it… Read More »

Treating A Traumatic Brain Injury
The brain is one of the most important organs in the human body, controlling our behavior, bodily movements, and ability to communicate. This means that any injury to the brain can have devastating consequences for accident victims, who could struggle with everything from mobility and mood swings to sleep patterns and cognition. Treating a… Read More »